Archive for April, 2015

America’s Military Industrial Complex has taken the US in the exact opposite direction to the nation’s Founding Fathers’ orginal vision. This according to a commentary posted in our ‘Underground Knowledge’ group on by co-moderator James Morcan.


James Morcan

James Morcan…”People need to get real.”


James’ commentary reads as follows:

I honestly feel the Military Industrial Complex has taken the US in the exact opposite direction to the original vision for America the nation’s Founding Fathers laid out…It’s an out of control entity that is single handedly destroying the US (economically and morally) in my view.

This is beyond dated ideas of Left or Right politics, and honestly there are as many Republicans/Patriots that no longer have any faith in the military’s ethics.

Vietnam veteran and Oscar-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone says the Military Industrial Complex is essentially a separate country to the US with virtually no interests that align with America’s interests and I’ve gotta agree with him there.

Many other insiders and whistleblowers have expressed the same opinion. For example, Underground Knowledge member Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI employee turned whistleblower, is one of numerous ex-intelligence agency employees who say these post 9/11 wars are being engineered by warmongers who are bankrupting the US in the process.

By causing all these wars or foreign invasions, the Military Industrial Complex is surely an entity that must be a thousand times bigger threat to the West’s freedom than any little outside threat such as Islamic desert nomads or cave dwellers are…Muslim extremists (a tiny percentage of the Islamic world) ain’t ever going to threaten the might of the American empire any more than the Domino Theory even got close to occurring when Vietnam fell and became entirely Communist (a long-held prediction by warmongers like MacArthur that proved to be woefully inaccurate). The US empire is arguably the most dominant in history and believing Islamic terrorists could ever be a threat would be equivalent to saying the small Jewish community at the time of Christ could overthrow Rome…

And I’m not ignoring terrorism or romanticizing the religion of Islam, but people need to get real about it.

Even if 9/11 was solely caused by terrorists with no assistance from rogue elements in the US Govt, which is a very big IF in my opinion, it still doesn’t amount to much overall. Especially as there’s been no other terrorist strikes of that magnitude since on US soil or anywhere else in the West.

I’m not some foreigner criticizing America for the sake of it by the way, but rather I’m someone who actually feels American in spirit and have also lived in the US and believe the foundations of America and the Constitution are by far the greatest construction of any nation in history. So I feel sad by what’s happened in recent decades. America can be, like it used to be, the light for the world that every other nation can aspire to be like in terms of civil liberties and equality for all citizens.

It’s also a shame that many foreigners when they now think of America now only think of a big, ugly fascist bully dominating and invading weaker nations. And that again is very sad as America once solely stood for freedom and the Founding Fathers also spoke of liberty for all other nations, not just America’s freedom. That Good Samaritan reputation has long since faded.

Whenever I come across people hating on America when I travel, I always try to explain to these people that there’s a massive difference between recent warmongering US administrations and the American people. I’ve been the recipient of a lot of goodwill from Americans, especially in my main career as a filmmaker, and I realize it’s not just foreign countries that have been screwed by the military but it’s also the American taxpayers as well.


To view all the comments in our Underground Knowledge group to to:






Book review:

A Walk in the Rain  –by Udai Yadla

★★★★★ Exquisite!

This reader discovered ‘A Walk in the Rain’ is an oft-used title, gracing the covers of a number of books. However, Udai Yadla’s version must surely stand alone. It’s truly unique and beautifully written. Exquisite!

Aptly subtitled ‘A journey of love and redemption,’ it is exactly that. A romantic, often intense, occasionally delicate and always gripping tale of a love found and lost, and an unforgettable journey of self-discovery.

The writing is tight but not rushed, the characterization is excellent and the storyline grabs you from the prologue right through to the last page. A must-read! Sterling Gate Books

Love is poison that kills you. Love is elixir that keeps you alive. An unreciprocated love keeps you alive, but kills every day.

Heartbroken Sunny lives a reclusive life, trapped in the past, living in his memories. He has no complaints about his life, but refuses to embrace the present.

Saloni is a prostitute who is desperate to earn money by any means. She does not care about exploiting others to fulfill her purpose.

Fate unites the loner and the prostitute to embark on a life changing journey of retribution and self discovery.

Lovelorn Sunny turns misogynistic after Sandy, the only girl he loved walks away from his life, unannounced. He suffers painful solitude for almost two decades with the relentless haunting of her thoughts. A distressed friend Imran, vows to change his life forever. A surprise planned for his birthday turns into a tragedy that claims the life of his dear friend, triggering a series of unbelievable events. As Imran gets killed by a stranger, Sunny’s calm life suddenly turns into a turbulent storm. With nothing left to live for, vengeance becomes his ultimate mission. His reluctant alliance with a prostitute to trace the killer sets him onto a nerve racking adventure of life and death.

Both are bound to a common goal with different motives, but destiny has its own motive.

A walk in the rain is an intricate tale of intense emotions, driven by hair raising twists and turns.

Product Details


Above is a poster for the dystopian adventure movie After Armageddon which I recently finished filming.

Logline: Two men, who are polar opposites, must come to terms with being the last two humans on Earth in a post-Apocalyptic world.


The film was directed by my long-time collaborator and buddy Stanley Joseph (pictured directing me in a rock-climbing scene ABOVE) and my lead co-star was one of Australia’s great actors Berynn Schwerdt of Wyrmwood fame (pictured BELOW).


Stanley Joseph’s production company (World Pictures Australia) produced the film which we shot in rural NSW, Australia.

My good friend and versatile actor Gil Ben-Moshe (pictured BELOW far left) also features in the main cast.

After Armageddon on the set 17

After Armageddon is now in post-production and being edited. It will be released in cinemas later this year.

To create an intense realism, we shot the movie in a spontaneous fashion and about 90% of the dialogue was completely ad-libbed. This free-flow acting approach was partially inspired by Marlon Brando’s groundbreaking improvisational performances of the 1970s including The Godfather, The Last Tango in Paris and Apocalypse Now.


Stanley Joseph’s style of directing is also very improvisational and he came up with quite a few additional scenes/sequences on set which were not in the original screenplay. Stanley designed the shoot to be an extremely creative storytelling/acting experience – the only problem was this unique style stretched our cinematographer to the absolute limit (see below!)


Noel Evans (pictured BELOW on the left) was our cinematographer and did an amazing job under pressure. In fact, Noel was probably under the most pressure of any of us and I am in awe of just how hard cinematographers work.

After Armageddon on the set 13

Here is some random behind-the-scenes footage from the shoot:

Here is the film’s IMDb page:

For all sales/distribution enquiries please contact World Pictures Australia:

Meanwhile, watch this space for the trailer for After Armageddon…

Thanks to everyone for your support!

James Morcan

Twitter: @MorcanJames


After Armageddon credits:

Director: Stanley Joseph

Main cast: Berynn Schwerdt, James Morcan, Gil Ben-Moshe, Rachel Stanley

Producer: Stanley Joseph

Writers: James Morcan, Stanley Joseph, Berynn Schwerdt

Cinematographer: Noel Evans

Other Cast: Udonnis StVictor, Bob Sutor, Naomi Bertolotti, Rita Taouk, Farid Taouk, Virginia Bertolotti, Victoria Khoury, Cindy LaTrobe

1st AD: Dwuan LaTrobe

Sound Recordist: Vitaly Zolotarev

First Assistant Camera: Matthew McCracken

Production Manager: Gil Ben-Moshe

Composer: Stanley Joseph

Aboriginal Cultural Advisor: Bob Sutor

Catering: Cindy LaTrobe

Art Director: Dwuan LaTrobe

Runtime: 80 Minutes

Production company: World Pictures Australia

After Armageddon on the set 5

After Armageddon on the set 8

It seems our book GENIUS INTELLIGENCE: Secret Techniques and Technologies to Increase IQ  is polarizing readers if the early reviews are anything to go by. Reviewers either love it or hate it. Despite this, it remains a regular fixture in Amazon’s bestseller lists.

GENIUS INTELLIGENCE: Secret Techniques and Technologies to Increase IQ (The Underground Knowledge Series Book 1)

Genius Intelligence asks readers to ponder whether there are faster and easier ways to learn and study than the modi operandi currently being taught in mainstream education systems.

That was always going to rankle with academics and graduates of the mainstream education system. After all, who wants to spend years studying at school and uni. and then put that hard-earned knowledge to work in the community only to be told there may be better, faster, easier and more effective ways to develop the human mind? Especially when the advice is coming from a couple of reprobates like ourselves (the authors) who not only don’t have any academic qualifications to speak of, but barely completed high school!

Despite that, the book is resonating with many readers.

Among the discoveries we share within its pages are brain waves common to geniuses and the various ways to induce those brain waves; mental techniques the world’s elite and A-List celebrities are quietly using to help them process information while they’re asleep or in virtual worlds; chemical substances students and academics the world over employ to kick-start the brain into overdrive; and cutting-edge technologies business tycoons and professional athletes employ to gain a cerebral edge over their competitors.

Drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, Genius Intelligence lists dozens of practical methods to increase IQ and speed-learn any subject.


One of the latest reviews of Genius Intelligence  on Amazon addresses the academic viewpoint, the criticism and a few other factors as well. Here’s the review in full:


Genius Overview ★★★★★  Review by Edward M. Drobinski

This is a comprehensive overview of the many possible factors which have culminated in what we call genius intelligence.

If, like me, you are a novice in this subject, this is the best place I know of to start your exploration. Yes, if and when your focus becomes more microscoped, there are other very PhD-candidate-type books which will provide more detail into scientifically sanctioned studies, and hopefully you will not be the recipient of another equivocal paper, already superseded by “new” methodology. But, whatever your choice of paths this has to be the starting point.

On a very small level this book has been criticized by competitors and their entourage. The wisdom of the general public has found them in an overwhelming decision of no use. This book is, as customary for the Morcans works, extremely well-written, clear and beyond any reproach possible from a skilled, mainstream critic.

Barring all that crap; it will make you laugh and wonder.


Product Details


If you are interested in Genius Intelligence go to:

